Why Choose Xavier Over Other Caribbean Medical Schools

Congratulations! You’ve decided to pursue a medical degree in the Caribbean.…

How to Manage the Stress of Medical School

Stress. We all experience it from time-to-time. But for medical students, the…

What is Match Day? Breaking Down the Residency Match Process

Match Day. It’s the third Friday of March every year. It’s also the day almost…

Top 8 Qualities that Make a Great Doctor – Xavier University

What makes a great doctor? If you said someone who listens to your concerns,…

Island Dreams: A Xavier Student’s Journey to Pursuing Her Passion

Island Dreams: A Xavier Student’s Journey to Pursuing Her Passion It takes…

How Xavier Helps Students Obtain Residencies: One-on-One with Dr. Abdo Aboud

Ask any medical student and they’ll tell you the journey to becoming a doctor…

Why Caribbean Medical Schools are a More Affordable Option

Investing in your education is money well spent. After all, it’s all about your…

What to Expect in Medical School: Dr. Gopi Shares Insight on Xavier’s Commitment to Student Success

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted into medical school. Now reality sets in:…

Best Ways to Prepare for Medical School

There’s no denying how the journey to becoming a doctor is long one. But with…

Tips about the Admissions Interview at XUSOM

By: Dr. Kevin Pawlak, Chair of the Admission Committee  The admissions…